Moldavite History Moldavite is a substance not of the Earth, but rather is a Tektite (meteoric debris), with extraterrestrial origins,…
Blog Posts
Pendulums – Beautiful and Effective Tools For Divination
Penduluming, a form of dowsing, is an accurate method of divination (receiving answers from the Universe, Higher Self, Collective Unconscious,…
Wait! Is Psychic Attack Real? – If So, How Can We Protect Ourselves?
Psychic attack is most definitely real, and fortunately, effective counter-measures also exist, should we come under attack. A discussion on…
Why Does Reiki Require an Attunement?
Many of my beginner Reiki healing students, have asked, why an attunement (initiation ritual) is required for Reiki certification. The…
Fluorite – Kaleidoscope of the Crystal World
Fluorite, also known as Fluorspar, is one of the most color varieated crystals (minerals) on Earth, with Tourmaline being its…
The 6 Coveted “Clairs” – How We Receive Intuitive Messages
The “Clairs,” are 6 forms of super-sensing, used in the detection of intuitive, or psychic information. The prefix, ”Clair,” simply…