Got chronic muscular pain? If so you may have a common pattern of pain referred to as Myofascial Pain Syndrome…
What is Acupressure?
Acupressure is an Asian bodywork therapy for energy balancing, using finger pressure, on specific points (acupoints), along meridians (energy channels),…
What is Acupressure?
Acupressure is an Asian bodywork therapy for energy balancing, using finger pressure, on specific points (acupoints), along meridians (energy channels),…
Astral Travel
Asian Theory
The Tao of Everything
What is the “Tao,” really? We see many things today labeled as, the Tao (pronounced Dao) of this, or that,…
Bach Flower Essences
Bach® Flower Remedies For Chakra Balancing
Bach® Flower Remedies are 38 elixirs containing just the essence of the flowers of various plants and trees, developed by…
How I Came To Be An Accidental Buddhist
Although I was raised in a Christian Protestant home, as an adult I unintentionally came to be an accidental Buddhist….
Essential Oils for Chakra Balancing
Aromatherapy is a popular alternative healing modality using extracted oils from flowers, herbs, seeds, and tree roots and bark. These…
Creating Crystal Elixirs for Chakra Balancing
Crystal or gem elixirs are diluted solutions containing only the energetic signature of crystals infused into water. And since crystals…
Bach® Flower Remedies For Chakra Balancing
Bach® Flower Remedies are 38 elixirs containing just the essence of the flowers of various plants and trees, developed by…
The Importance of the Seven Major Chakras
For each of the various topics I intend this blog to encompass, I feel I must provide an elementary explanation in my first…
Channeling Spirits Of Higher Consciousness
Channeling is a method of divination performed by a living person speaking, writing, or typing a disembodied Spirit’s message. In…
The Chi Addict
The Chi Addict Blog – First Post
Hello all, I must confess that I have an addiction to all things Chi (Qi) related. Qi, pronounced Chi, is…
Chinese Five Element Theory
The Tao of Everything
What is the “Tao,” really? We see many things today labeled as, the Tao (pronounced Dao) of this, or that,…
Chinese Medicine
What is Acupressure?
Acupressure is an Asian bodywork therapy for energy balancing, using finger pressure, on specific points (acupoints), along meridians (energy channels),…
The Tao of Everything
What is the “Tao,” really? We see many things today labeled as, the Tao (pronounced Dao) of this, or that,…
Crystal Ball Scrying
Amethyst – The Lavender Beauty
Amethyst, the lavender beauty, is one of, if not the most popular crystal, coveted for its deep lavender-violet hue. Understandebly,…
Chrysocolla – A Highly Varied Beauty
Chrysocolla is a long treasured and highly varied beauty. For this copper derived crystal enhances peace, harmony and communication and…
Larimar – the Rare Caribbean Beauty
Few stones are as beautiful as Larimar with its caribbean blue-green mottled appearance. But because this stone is mined in…
Creating Crystal Elixirs for Chakra Balancing
Crystal or gem elixirs are diluted solutions containing only the energetic signature of crystals infused into water. And since crystals…
Essential Oils
Essential Oils for Chakra Balancing
Aromatherapy is a popular alternative healing modality using extracted oils from flowers, herbs, seeds, and tree roots and bark. These…
Life Between Lives
Reincarnation and the Spirit Realm
Reincarnation is the widely held belief that the Soul survives death of the physical body and lives on, as a…
Medical Intuition
The Art and Science of Medical Intuition
Medical Intuition, is a skill either inborn, or acquired by psychics and energy healers to assess the energetic health, or…
SoulPhone™ Technology for Communicating Beyond the Veil
Holy Cow! SoulPhone™ technology for communicating with those beyond the veil is unarguably the most eye raising of new technologies…
Mediumship – What the Heck is it?
Mediums, those who communicate with the Spirits of the deceased, are enjoying an unprecedented amount of popularity these days, with…
Nature Spirits
Past Lives
Reincarnation and the Spirit Realm
Reincarnation is the widely held belief that the Soul survives death of the physical body and lives on, as a…
Pendulums – Beautiful and Effective Tools For Divination
Penduluming, a form of dowsing, is an accurate method of divination (receiving answers from the Universe, Higher Self, Collective Unconscious,…
Psychic Development
The Ancient Art of Casting Runes
The ancient art of casting runes is a method of divination dating back to ancient Norse Paganism of the Scandinavian…
Remote Viewing – AKA Psychic Spying
Remote Viewing, aka “psychic spying,” is a technique formerly used by an infamous U.S.military program of “psychic spies” sponsored by…
SoulPhone™ Technology for Communicating Beyond the Veil
Holy Cow! SoulPhone™ technology for communicating with those beyond the veil is unarguably the most eye raising of new technologies…
5 Questions Not to Ask the Tarot
The single most important component of a Tarot reading, is the Querent’s (reading requester’s) question. Although volumes have been written…
Psychic Protection
Wait! Is Psychic Attack Real? – If So, How Can We Protect Ourselves?
Psychic attack is most definitely real, and fortunately, effective counter-measures also exist, should we come under attack. A discussion on…
Trigger Points and Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Got chronic muscular pain? If so you may have a common pattern of pain referred to as Myofascial Pain Syndrome…
Sending Distance Healing – Is Prior Permission Really Necessary?
As a Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner, I know that getting verbal permission from someone in need, before sending them…
Why Does Reiki Require an Attunement?
Many of my beginner Reiki healing students, have asked, why an attunement (initiation ritual) is required for Reiki certification. The…
Importance of Clearing Ourselves After Giving Reiki (applies to all Energy Work)
Questions frequently come up from my Reiki Students regarding the practice of clearing ourselves energetically after giving a Reiki session…
Reincarnation and the Spirit Realm
Reincarnation is the widely held belief that the Soul survives death of the physical body and lives on, as a…
Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing – AKA Psychic Spying
Remote Viewing, aka “psychic spying,” is a technique formerly used by an infamous U.S.military program of “psychic spies” sponsored by…
Soul Group
Reincarnation and the Spirit Realm
Reincarnation is the widely held belief that the Soul survives death of the physical body and lives on, as a…
Spirit Guides
Reincarnation and the Spirit Realm
Reincarnation is the widely held belief that the Soul survives death of the physical body and lives on, as a…
Spirit Guides – Our Divine Helpers
Spirit Guides are Spirits, who have previously lived on the Earth plane, but now reside on the, “Other Side,” in…
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Patanjali was a reverered Indian Rishi (wise sage) who authored the profound treatise on Yoga philosophy and practice, the Yoga…
The Wheel of the Year’s 8 Sabbats
The Wheel of the Year is a calendar marking a collection of seasonal festivals known as Sabbats and observed by…
How I Came To Be An Accidental Buddhist
Although I was raised in a Christian Protestant home, as an adult I unintentionally came to be an accidental Buddhist….
Demystifying the Art of Modern Witchcraft
Many have been curious from afar of the ancient art of Witchcraft, yet too apprehensive to actively explore it. For…
Strange Flows
The Tao of Everything
What is the “Tao,” really? We see many things today labeled as, the Tao (pronounced Dao) of this, or that,…
5 Questions Not to Ask the Tarot
The single most important component of a Tarot reading, is the Querent’s (reading requester’s) question. Although volumes have been written…
Tarot Cards vs Oracle Cards – What’s the Difference?
Tarot Cards vs Oracle Cards – What’s the Difference? Actually, they differ quite a bit in both structure and purpose….
Coming Out of The Tarot Closet – Despite Historical Bad Press
Are you reluctant to reveal that you read the Tarot? or do you hide your Tarot cards from visitors, out…
Yin and Yang
The Tao of Everything
What is the “Tao,” really? We see many things today labeled as, the Tao (pronounced Dao) of this, or that,…
Yoga Philosophy
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Patanjali was a reverered Indian Rishi (wise sage) who authored the profound treatise on Yoga philosophy and practice, the Yoga…