Holy Cow! SoulPhone™ technology for communicating with those beyond the veil is unarguably the most eye raising of new technologies being developed. And Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health (LACH) at the University of Arizona, is leading the charge.
Dr. Schwartz’ Mediumship Experiments
If you are not familiar with Dr. Schwartz, you should be. His scientific experimentation with reputable Mediums resulted in evidence that the Soul lives on after death of the physical body. Schwartz subsequently chronicled his documented evidence in his book, The Afterlife Experiments (Atria Books,2003).
Note: a Medium is someone who is skilled in communication between Spirits and their living loved ones.
Surprisingly, several famous Mediums volunteers risked their reputations to participate in these experiments. They were well aware that if evidence of mediumship authenticity wasn’t found, it would ruin them professionally. Yes, these Mediums were that confident in their abilities to connect to deceased Spirits and deliver an accurate communication from them.
The SoulPhone™ Dream Team
You read that correctly. Dr. Schwartz and his “Dream Team” are developing technology for direct communication with loved ones residing in the Spirit Realm.
The A Team
Swartz’ “A Team” is comprised of deceased Spirits, referred to as “hypothesized postmaterial collaborators” (HCPs). These disembodied collaborators were brilliant scientists, medical professionals, engineers, and other experts in their previous incarnation. Most noted are theoretical physicist, David Bohm and engineer/inventor /futurist Nikola Tesla among other historical geniuses.
Moreover, Schwartz was inspired to use HCPs from the critical aid received during his mediumship experiments from a deceased scientist colleague and friend. This friendly Spirit continually brought forth the deceased loved one the Medium was trying to connect with. And helped strengthen the connection.
The B Team
Schwartz’ “B Team” consists gifted techology professionals and his well-tested Mediums. The Mediums work to retrieve information from the deceased A Team geniuses as to how to develop the SoulPhone™ technology. Then the technology experts go about developing the technology utilizing Spirit derived specifications.
In other words, the Tech Experts are using current knowledge combined with future knowledge. For the HCPs claim that they are now privy to more advanced technology than they had when in body. They declare the living “ain’t seen nothin” on the Earth Plane like what they are aware of on the other side. In particular, Tesla related in a communication that he has advanced his previous work while residing in the Spirit Realm.
The Proposed Soul Communication Technology
The SoulPhone™ is a term used for the collection of technologies necessary for the living to communicate with deceased Spirits. Schwartz coined this term because the deceased are indeed Souls who have survived death of their physical bodies.
This technology will be developed in stages accumulating in audio and video communication with the deceased. And there is a device planned that will look and work like a cell phone.
The below discusses each technology in order of its required development. Each stage builds on the next stage.
Like a light switch, this is a binary switch that will toggle on or off for yes or no answers in its simplest form. However, more complex switch versions will enable all the rest of the below technologies. This is indeed the building block of the SoulPhone™.
Can you even imagine the ability to type a text message to your deceased loved one, and they text their answer back? The switches above will enable development of a working keyboard so that Spirits can type out messages and expanded answers to questions.
What would you give to hear the voice of your deceased loved one again? Well, with this technology you will be able to hear them speak more clearly than with your or a Medium’s innate clairaudience. And they will clearly hear you.
This technology gives me absolute chills because it’s akin to FaceTime with your deceased loved ones with both audio and video. And just think of the scientific and engineering advancements that can be made by Zoom-like webinars held between living scientists and deceased geniuses.
Summary for the SoulPhone™ Technology
It goes without saying that the SoulPhone™ Technology will advance the human condition with knowledge attained from deceased Spirits.
Firstly, scientific and engineering advances will skyrocket.
Secondly, we sill conquer fear of death with solid proof that the Soul survives it. And we will finally have our answers as to the validity of reincarnation and karma. Additionally, we will know what it’s like in the Spirit Realm. And the living and the deceased will no longer suffer angst regarding what was left unsaid prior to the parting.
Thirdly, unsolved murder cases will cease to exist. And unsolved missing persons cases, when death of the missing person is the situation, will be solved.
However, this technology will not have disadvantages. For I admit that I just love a good Medium and a good Mediumship reading. But won’t Mediums be rendered unnecessary when we can communicate directly with our deceased loved ones with the SoulPhone™ technology? Won’t there no longer be a need for the middle man or woman? I practice a bit of mediumship and teach it so I can’t say this doesn’t concern me.
Furthermore, the chance that bad actors could hack the system and give erroneous messages to living people affecting their lives, emotions, and finances.
Nonetheless, in my mind, SoulPhone™ technology’s numerous advantages far out weight its disadvantages. Thus, I am extremely excited about this technologies. Here’s to hoping that I will experience it these advances in my current lifetime.
Tesla, Einstein & others – I totally believe they had more psychic abilities then we will ever know / understand…😍
Jeannette Hollenbeck
I Agree! Thank you for reading.