Amethyst, the lavender beauty, is one of, if not the most popular crystal, coveted for its deep lavender-violet hue. Understandebly, Amethyst enthusiasts will seek out the deepest colored specimens for both their beauty and their optimal effects. For the deeper the intrinsic color of any crystal, the stronger the benefits it provides to the mind, body and spirit.
Moreover, Amethyst is the designated February birthstone and is available for purchase in rock and new age shops and on the internet. And since it’s widely available, Amethyst is easy and inexpensive to acquire. Due to these factors plus its luscious purple color, Amethyst enjoys an immense world-wide popularity.
Amethyst’s Mineralogy

Amethyst, a member of the quartz family (silicon dioxide), contains more iron oxide than any other quartz crystal attributing to its lavender-violet color.
Moreover, Amethyst is a member of the trigonal crystal system and the trapezohedral crystal class. This means the crystal grows in a six-sided formation with six faces. Additionally, Amethyst registers a seven on the Mohs hardness scale.
Furthermore, The largest deposits of Amethyst geodes are found in Brazil and Uruguay. But it’s also mined in Canada and North Carolina, USA.
Chevron Amethyst

Besides regular Amethyst, there’s the Chevron Amethyst subtype, which is Amethyst combined with white quartz grown together in a zigzag pattern. This is an especially beautiful variety of Amethyst.
Amethyst’s History
Amethyst’s purple color lent itself for use in jewelry of royal families throughout history as far back as 2,500 b.c. And due to a widely held belief that Amethyst prevents intoxication, it was commonly fashioned into royal drinking goblets. In fact, Amethyst is named for the Greek word amethustos, which means “without being drunken.”
Moreover, the Book of Revelations lists Amethyst as one of the twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. And several past Catholic Popes have worn an Amethyst rosary around their necks.
Furthermore, Saint Valentine is said to have worn an Amethyst ring with a carved image of Cupid.
Buyer Beware of Altered Amethyst
Amethyst is rarely faked, but when It’s heated, it turns a yellow-gold color and is often passed off as Citrine. However, pale Amethyst can be dyed to exhibit a deeper lavender color. For Amethyst will fade in color, if exposed to sunlight or artificial light.
As always, the best way to ensure you are buying authentic colored Amethyst, is to know your retailer. Therefore, it’s recommended to ask people you know and trust for referrals of a reputable vendor.
Healing Effects of Amethyst on the Mind-Body-Spirit
Amethyst has many known benefits for mental/emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.
Mental/Emotional Effects of Amethyst
Amethyst’s calming effect on anxiety and its stimulating effect on the pineal gland’s production of melatonin make it helpful for easing insomnia. Additionally, Amethyst is helpful for easing grief and homesickness.
Physical Effects of Amethyst
Historically, Amethyst was believed to protect its wearer from poisoning and intoxication.
Due to Amethyst’s potassium content, it’s effective for lowering high blood pressure and tension headaches. For high blood pressure and tension headaches, stroking the head with an Amethyst wand in a downward motion is helpful.
Moreover, Amethyst aids the healing of topical skin issues such as, abscesses, acne, dermatitis, rashes, warts, blisters, insect bites, and sunburn. Surprisingly, Lavender essential oil, whose flower is the same lavender color as Amethyst, also aids the above mentioned skin issues.
Spiritual Effects of Amethyst
Amethyst has a stimulating effect on the Crown Chakra, the spiritual energy center. This Chakra is located above the crown of the head.
Uses of Amethyst

Due to Amethyst’s transparent quality, it’s considered a semi-precious stone. For it can be faceted, polished, and set into gold or silver for various types of jewelry pieces. Some examples of Amethyst jewelry pieces are pendants, earrings, rings, bracelet, and beads.
BTW, the necklace sets shown above were made by yours truly for my personal jewelry collection. The necklace on the far left is a regular Amethyst Geode pendant with 2 faceted Amethysts strung on regular Amethyst beads and pink flower pearl beads. And the necklace on the far right is a Chevron Amethyst pendant strung on all Chevron Amethyst beads.
Objects of Decor

Many objects of beauty have been fashioned from Amethyst such as, geodes, obelisks, crystal balls, carved figurines, and bowls. These objects are lovely when displayed around the home or on an altar.
Spiritual Practice

Due to its stimulating effect on the body’s spiritual energy center (Crown chakra), Amethyst is effective for enhancing one’s spiritual practice. To this end, Amethyst can be worn or held in meditation, or can be laid into a crystal grid pattern.
Moreover, Amethyst beaded rosary and mala necklaces and bracelets are beautiful and coveted by religious and spiritual practitioners. For rosaries and malas are used for counting off a bead for each repetition of one’s prayer or chanted mantra.
Furthermore, Amethyst crystal balls are not just for decoration. For they’re effective in scrying (gazing) practice aiding in communication with deceased loved ones and spirit guides.
Final Words for Amethyst – The Lavender Beauty
I hope this post inspires you to seek out your own Amethyst specimens. For I know you will cherish them as much as I do mine. As always, thank you for reading.
FYI: If you are interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Therapist see my Crystal Therapist Certification Home Study Course on my energy healing school website Reiki Essence Institute.
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